The New ENERGY STAR Standard in High-Rise Living

Canadian certifier, EnerQuality along with Natural Resources Canada are listening to future homebuyers. That’s good news as we continue to see growth in both the high and low-rise markets in Canada’s large urban centres, despite rising prices. With millennials working to buy their first home and boomers looking for one that allows them to retire gracefully, affordability isn’t the only thing on everyone’s wish list.

New, multi-family, high-rise homes can qualify for EnerQuality's, ENERGY STAR.

New, multi-family, high-rise homes can qualify for EnerQuality’s, ENERGY STAR.

Future Proofing

Millennials are also concerned about their carbon footprint. As advocates of climate change information millennials continue to demonstrate their commitment to preserve energy and the future of the planet. Therefore, they have big ideas of making a difference and they will let you know faster than you can say, “Instagram” when they uncover a misdeed to the earth.

New High-Rises Going Green

Toronto Skyline Jay Kerr
So, the good news is something every new home buyer will benefit from. EnerQuality, a Canadian certifier of energy efficient homes is on a mission to accelerate housing innovation and improve building performance. They have now introduced ENERGY STAR certification on multi-family high-rise homes in conjunction with Natural Resources Canada.

Look for the Logo

Logo: Energy Star

Official ENERGY STAR logo

You’ve seen the ENERGY STAR logo on everything from windows, water heaters, appliances, to electronics, lighting and more. We use it as a shortcut to find the top energy performers on the market. Now you can purchase or rent a home or condo that has been certified with the trusted ENERGY STAR.

Green Living Will Be the New Standard

Since 2005, EnerQuality has certified more than 85,000 homes. These homes yield an average of 20% more energy efficiency than typical code-built homes. Choosing to purchase or rent an EnerQuality certified home offers a green living option. There are many benefits to living in an ENERGY STAR rated home, not the least of which is helping the environment.

ENERGY STAR  Demands Excellent Construction Standards

Sure, using less energy means emitting less greenhouse gasses into the environment and lowering our carbon footprint, but it also means your home has been constructed by an approved, ENERGY STAR certified builder. Your home incorporates efficient heating and cooling systems, improved indoor air quality and energy saving windows and doors. It also means it has been inspected, evaluated certified and labelled by a third-party energy advisor.

Save Energy, Save the Environment

Your home is more air sealed, reducing drafts and cold spots, plus reducing dust pollen and pests from getting inside. An air exchanger (heat or energy recovery ventilation system) improves indoor air quality. It expels stale air and replaces it with filtered outdoor air, therefore leading to improved health and comfort. Creating a healthy home is top of mind for most homeowners.

Save Money, Now and in the Future

Less energy consumption means less money going toward your utility bill. I think that’s something everyone can support. If the force of this large demographic has anything to say at all, it will be to demand energy-efficient certifications on every new home. I see a shift in the real estate listings too as the industry moves to address this generation of home buyers.