Behind every great room is a great storage solution.
It’s impossible to have a great space and keep it that way without proper management of all those cabinets, cupboards and closets. Hire a professional to design a storage solution for your specific needs. You’ll end up with a beautiful room without the clutter!
Here are some basics that the pros use when it comes to organizing your home.
1. Dressing Rooms
A dressing room is an excellent choice for people who have an extra room in their home that isn’t being used. Converting that space into a large walk-in closet/dressing room will get way more use than a guest room. Closet space is one of the biggest selling features in homes today.
2. Closet Shelves
Simply putting drywall anchors and screws in a wall with lightweight shelving won’t last. Instead, invest in wood shelving, and drawers so heavy items have the support they need.
3. Bedroom Cabinetry
Typically we hide our organization behind closest doors. Create a beautiful and functional space by building storage that is also great to look at!
4. Watch Winders
Watch winders are for people who collect really nice watches that are self-winding. The watches are placed on a mounting cushion that mimics the natural motion of your wrist to power the watch. There is a gadget or accessory for everything that needs organizing in your home. Just ask a professional organizer.